Open Class Schedule & Calendar

Open Class Schedule & Calendar

The Washington School of Ballet’s Adult Program offers a full curriculum focused on training for adults taught by a broad roster of national and international teaching artists. Our flexible drop-in format and variety of levels allows dancers at any level to join our vibrant community of dancers. Learn more about our Dance for PD classes HERE!


New Late Cancellation Policy- Cancellations made less than 4 hours prior to the start time of class or no-shows will result in the loss of the class credit.

Open Class Schedule

Please carefully note class locations. Most classes will take place at our Cathedral Commons location. Classes that take place at THEARC or at the Main Building will have a note in the class title. Advance registration is required.

Learn more about our Dance for PD classes HERE!


See our Class Schedule on Mindbody


Adult Open Class Calendar

2024-2025 Adult Open Class Calendar  

  • Thursday, July 4, 2024: TWSB will be closed for the holiday and all classes cancelled. Classes resume Wednesday, July 5. 
  • Monday, August 26 – Monday, September 2, 2024: Adult classes are canceled. Classes resume Tuesday, September 3.  
  • Monday, October 14, 2024: TWSB will be closed for the holiday and all classes canceled. Classes resume Tuesday, October 15.  
  • Monday, November 11, 2024: TWSB will be closed for the holiday and all classes canceled. Classes resume Tuesday, November 12.  
  • Wednesday, November 27 – Friday, November 29, 2024: On 11/27, morning classes will be held as regularly scheduled and all evening classes will be canceled. 11/28-11/29 TWSB will be closed, and all classes canceled. Classes resume Saturday, November 30.  
  • Tuesday, December 24 – Thursday, December 26, 2024: TWSB will be closed for the holiday and all adult classes canceled.  
  • Friday, December 27 – Sunday, December 29, 2024*: Adult classes are running on a adjusted schedule. *Subject to change  
  • Tuesday, December 31 – Wednesday, January 1, 2025: TWSB will be closed for the holiday and all adult classes canceled. Classes resume Thursday, January 2.  
  • Tuesday, December 31: LAST DAY to lock in 2024 Adult class pricing!
  • Wednesday, January 1: New Adult class prices take effect. 
  • Monday, January 20, 2025: TWSB will be closed for the holiday and all classes canceled. Classes resume on Tuesday, January 21.  
  • Monday, February 17, 2025: TWSB will be closed for the holiday and all classes canceled. Classes resume Tuesday, February 20.  
  • Sunday, April 20, 2025*: Adult classes are running on a reduced schedule. Classes resume their regular schedule Monday, April 1. *Subject to change  
  • Saturday, May 24 – Monday, May 26, 2025: TWSB will be closed for the holiday and all adult classes canceled. Classes resume Thursday, May 27.  
  • Monday June 9 – Sunday, June 15, 2025: Adult classes on break. Classes resume Monday, June 16. 
  • Thursday, June 19, 2025: TWSB will be closed for the holiday and all classes canceled. Classes resume Friday, June 20
  • Friday, July 4, 2025: TWSB will be closed for the holiday and all classes canceled. Classes resume Friday, July 5.
  • Monday August 25 – Monday, September 2, 2025: Adult classes on break. Classes resume Monday, September 3.   

  • Class Schedule: Jan-May 2025


    11:00AM-12:00PM – Floor Barre/Conditioning
    7:00PM-8:30PM – Beginner I Ballet 
    7:30PM-9:00PM – *NEW* Open Level Modern with Jocelyn Cox

    10:00AM-11:30AM – Advanced Ballet 
    7:30PM-9:00PM – Intermediate Ballet 
    7:30PM-9:00PM – Fundamentals II
    7:45PM-9:15PM – Beginner II Ballet 

    7:30PM-9:00PM – Open Level Horton Technique at THEARC

    9:30AM-11:00AM – Advanced Beginner Ballet 
    12:00PM-1:30PM – Beginner II Ballet 
    7:15PM-8:45PM – Advanced Beginner Ballet 

    10:00AM-11:30AM – Intermediate Ballet 
    12:00PM-1:30PM – Beginner I Ballet 
    7:30PM-9:00PM – Intermediate Ballet 
    7:30PM-9:00PM – New to Ballet Fundamentals
    7:30PM-9:00PM – Beginner I Ballet with Andrei Yemelianov
    8:00PM-9:00PM – Open Level Ballet at THEARC  

    10:00AM-11:30AM – Advanced Beginner Ballet 
    12:00PM-1:30PM – Beginner I Ballet
    *NEW* 7:15PM-8:45PM – Contemporary Performance Workshop with Felipe Oyarzun

    9:30AM-11:00AM – Advanced Beginner Ballet 
    9:30AM-11:00AM – Fundamentals II Ballet 
    11:00AM-12:00PM – New to Ballet Fundamentals 
    12:00PM-1:30PM – Beginner I Ballet 
    12:30PM-2:00PM – Advanced Ballet
    1:30PM-3:00PM – Beginner II Ballet  

    10:00AM-11:30AM – Advanced Beginner Ballet 
    10:00AM-11:30AM – Intermediate Ballet 
    11:30AM-1:00PM – New to Ballet Fundamentals 
    12:00PM-1:30PM – Fundamentals II Ballet 
    1:30PM-3:00PM – Advanced Beginner Ballet
    1:30PM-3:00PM – Beginner I Ballet  
    1:30PM-3:00PM – Advanced Beginner Modern/Horton Technique


Photo: Lauren Victor

Come dance with us!

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Class Descriptions and Curriculum

Class Descriptions and Curriculum

New to Ballet Fundamentals

This class is for novice dancers, those who have never taken a dance class before or who may be returning after many years. Class is our most BASIC and faces the barre. This class focuses on alignment and basic feet position, port de bra, vocabulary and placement principles. Students will also learn class etiquette. Basic strength building, flexibility and body awareness will be a major component of this class. 

Curriculum and Skills


  • Simple barre exercises focusing on alignment and on solidifying full body coordination using simple port de bras and épaulement:
  • Pliés (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th)
  • Tendus (1st and 3rd, very simple en croix patterns focusing on foot articulation and placement)
  • Dégagés (utilizing 4 counts for each, and progressing to brush pointe close)
  • Rond de Jambes (add once tendu positions are clear, start with ¼ ronds and then full ronds in 4 counts, do not start en dedans until en dehors is solidified)
  • Fondus
  • Frappés (add at end of semester and only to the side)
  • Adagio (relevé lent, add all coupé, retire, and passé positions, add développé second semester)
  • Grand Battements (to be taught in 4 counts at first then add brush pointe close)
  • Relevés (in all positions including building up to one leg)


  • Incorporating more comprehensive center work. Teach how to go across the floor and class etiquette:
  • Port de bras (1st and 3rd)
  • Simple tendus (Begin en face and then add in other body positions of the Vaganova Wheel towards end of year).
  • Adagio (Use of relevé lent, developpé and retire / passé as introduced at the barre)
  • Pas de bourré
  • Spotting (very basic)
  • Triplets across the floor (very basic introduction to balances when ready)
  • Petit Allégro (sautés in 1st and 2nd, add soubresaut, changements, échappés when ready)
  • Walks
  • Runs
  • Gallops and progress to chassés
  • Cover the 7 basic motor skills/get them to move across the floor


Fundamentals II Ballet

This class is a progression from the New to Fundamentals class. Students in this level have been dancing for at least 1 year. This class takes the novice dancer from facing the barre to turning sideways with one hand at the barre, begins focusing on simple use of port de bras and completing a full barre.  Students will strengthen their understanding of alignment principles, improving full body coordination, and implementing basic transference of weight. Strength building and flexibility will be at the forefront of each exercise to promote a successful progression to the next level. Class etiquette and the use of ballet terminology will be a strong focus in this class. All material covered in lower-level classes included. 

Curriculum and Skills


  • Simple barre exercises starting to focus on solidifying full body coordination using port de bras and épaulement:
  • Pliés
  • Tendus (1st and 5th with basic weight transfer – ie lower heel push back to standing leg. Use of all positions- Vaganova Wheel of 8 positions).
  • Dégagés (utilizing 2 counts for each, add piqué)
  • Rond de Jambes (starting 4 cts each and progressing to 2 count)
  • Fondus (start with 4 counts for each and progress to 2)
  • Frappés (start facing barre and progress to one hand, using 2cts for each)
  • Adagio (relevé lent, use of développé, introduce énveloppé, work on retiré and passé positions)
  • Arabesques (1st, 2nd) and attitude position
  • Grand Battements- balançoire
  • Relevés


  • Incorporating more comprehensive center work. Reinforce how to go across floor and class etiquette:
  • Port de bras
  • Simple tendus (include weight transfer). Begin teaching all 8 positions of Vaganova Wheel).
  • Adagio (Use of relevé lent, developpé and retire / passé)
  • Traveling piqués to sousus
  • Spotting with détourné and soutenus
  • Pirouettes: (Begin working on preparation for en dehors balances, and progressing to ¼ and ½ turns only progress to full turn once balance is stable)
  • Introduce slow balances and then slow waltzes if ready
  • Petit Allégro (sautés in all positions, soubresaut, changements, échappés, (break down of glissade, assamblé, pas de chat)
  • Grand Allegro (introduce chassé temps levé, grand jeté)


Beginner I Ballet

This class is a progression from the Fundamentals Il class. Students in this level have been dancing for at least 2 years and understand basic terminology. This class performs barre work with one hand on the barre. Students should know all basic arm and feet positions. This class focuses on incorporating port de bras with leg movements as well as increasing vocabulary at barre and in center and applying technique to movement. Students will work to strengthen technical proficiency by focusing on alignment, strength, and flexibility. All material covered in lower-level classes included. 

Curriculum and Skills


  • Simple barre exercises starting to focus on solidifying full body coordination using port de bras and épaulement:
  • Pliés
  • Tendus (1st and 5th with basic weight transfer, introduce slow pas de cheval. Use of all positions – Vaganova Wheel of 8 positions)
  • Dégagés (utilizing 2 counts for each, add balancoire)
  • Rond de Jambes (starting slow 2ct each and progressing to 1 count)
  • Fondus (start with 4 counts for each and progress to 2, add relevés)
  • Frappés (introduce petit battements)
  • Rond de jambe en l’air (slow facing barre)
  • Adagio (use of développé, énveloppé, introduce grand rand de jambe in ¼ increments)
  • Arabesques and attitude positions
  • Grand Battements- balançoire
  • Relevés


  • Incorporating more comprehensive center work:
  • Tendus (include weight transfer). All 8 positions of Vaganova Wheel.
  • Adagio (Use of developpé and énveloppé)
  • Traveling piqués to sousus and then retiré when ready
  • Spotting with detourne and soutenus
  • Pirouettes: (Begin working on single en dehors first from 5th and then from 4th. Introduce tombé pas de bourre. if ready introduce en dedans at end of the year)
  • Introduce slow balances and then slow waltzes
  • Petit Allégro (sautés in all positions, changements, échappés, glissade, assamblé, jeté, sissonne, pas de chat)
  • Grand Allegro (introduce tombé pas de bourré, grand assamblé, chassé temps levé, grand jeté)


Beginner II Ballet

This class is a progression from the Beginner I class. Students in this level have been dancing for at least 3 years and have a strong understanding and ability to execute the material from Beg 1. The class uses one hand at barre and focuses on refining all port de bras, épaulement while adding more complicated combinations. Applying technique to movement. Students can expect increases in length of combinations and focus on overall strength and flexibility. Students must understand and adhere to ballet etiquette and traffic flow expectations in the classroom. All material covered in lower-level classes included. 

Curriculum and Skills


  • Simple barre exercises that start to incorporate multiple elements and still focusing on total body coordination using port de bras and épaulement including:
  • Pliés
  • Tendus (1st and 5th with attention to articulation of the foot. Use of all positions, should know all 8 positions in Vaganova Wheel.)
  • Dégagés
  • Rond de Jambes
  • Fondus
  • Frappés (introduce doubles)
  • Rond de jambe en l’air (introduction)
  • Adagio (introduce penché)
  • Grand Battements (introduce attitude en cloche)


  • Full range of simple center work incorporating all body directions with faster class flow:
  • Tendus
  • Adagio (introduce promenade)
  • Pirouettes (continue working on single en dehors and introduce en dedans)
  • Waltzes
  • Petit Allégro (sissonne ouverte, temps de cuisse, ballonné, ballotté, falli assablé)
  • Grand Allegro (introduce entrelacé (tour Jeté))


Advanced Beginner Ballet

This class is a progression from Beginner II classes. Students in this level have attended ballet classes regularly in recent years or throughout adolescence and have at least 4 years of training. A strong knowledge and understanding of ballet terminology, ballet technique alignment principles, and execution of core ballet technique is expected. Focuses on applying technique to movement. Students must understand and adhere to ballet etiquette and traffic flow expectations in the classroom. All material covered in lower-level classes included.

Curriculum and Skills


  • Full barre that increases in complexity and pace including:
  • Pliés
  • Tendus
  • Dégagés
  • Rond de Jambes
  • Fondus
  • Frappés (includes doubles)
  • Rond de jambe en l’air
  • Adagio
  • Grand Battements


  • Full range of simple center work with faster class flow:
  • Tendus
  • Adagio (introduce renversé)
  • Pirouettes (comfortably mastery of single en dehors and en dedans)
  • Grand pirouettes (ready for introduction of attitude turns)
  • Waltzes
  • Petit Allégro (introduction to battus including entrechat, royale etc.,)
  • Grand Allegro (introduce fouetté saute, saut de basque, sissone filli assamblé, grand pas de chat)


Intermediate Ballet

This class is for proficient and experienced students with a minimum of 5+ years of training. A deep knowledge and understanding of ballet terminology and alignment principles, as well as the ability to execute core ballet technique is expected. Students must understand and adhere to ballet etiquette and traffic flow expectations in the classroom. This class will work to strengthen and finetune all existing levels of technique and focuses on movement. All material covered in lower-level classes included. 

Curriculum and Skills


  • Full barre that increases in complexity and pace including:
  • Pliés
  • Tendus
  • Dégagés
  • Rond de Jambes
  • Fondus
  • Frappés
  • Rond de jambe en l’air
  • Adagio
  • Grand Battements


  • Full range of center work with more complex and lengthier combinations:
  • Tendus
  • Adagio
  • Pirouettes (must be able to execute strong double en dehors and en dedans)
  • Grand pirouettes (attitude turns)
  • Waltzes
  • Petit Allégro (ability to execute some battus including entrechat, entrechat trois, royale etc.)
  • Grand Allegro
  • Coda


Advanced Ballet

This class is a fast-paced class and is the highest level offered and is for the students proficient in the full range of ballet vocabulary. Students should have a minimum of 6+ years of training before entering this level. The Advanced Ballet class moves at a brisk pace and requires a deep understanding of ballet terminology and alignment principles. The ability to execute a full range of ballet vocabulary with technical proficiency and strength is expected. Students must understand and adhere to ballet etiquette and traffic flow expectations in the classroom. This is not for the Intermediate or below level dancer. All material covered in lower-level classes included. 

Curriculum and Skills


  • Full comprehensive barre that incorporates more complex combinations including:
  • Pliés
  • Tendus
  • Dégagés
  • Rond de Jambes
  • Fondus
  • Frappés
  • Rond de jambe en l’air
  • Adagio
  • Grand Battements


  • Full range of center work that moves at a brisk pace with heightened complexity:
  • Tendus
  • Adagio
  • Pirouettes (must be able to execute 2-3+ en dehors and en dedans)
  • Grand pirouettes (attitude turns)
  • Waltzes
  • Petit Allégro (ability to execute battus including entrechat, entrechat cinq, entrechat trois, royale ect.) 
  • Grand Allegro
  • Coda


Open Level Ballet

This adult ballet class introduces participants to basic barre work, simple stretches, and center exercises, all in an engaging and relaxed atmosphere.  All levels are welcome.


Open Level Modern at SE Campus

This is a Horton-based modern technique class with creative elements.  All levels welcome; at least one year of dance experience is recommended.


Advanced Beginner Modern/Horton Technique

Designed for students with an advanced beginner level in ballet and with some previous modern training. This class also focuses on developing individual artistry and self-expression. Students will gain an understanding of modern dance vocabulary rooted in a variety of techniques such as Horton, Graham, and Limon. Students will gain agility, strength, coordination, and flexibility in addition to an increased understanding of body awareness and technical skill level. Emphasis of class is on musicality and long movement phrases.

Skills – flat backs, laterals, primitive squats, leg swings , elementary balance, swing and release work, seated basic Horton floor work and Horton movement progressions across the floor, prances, triplets, side falls, Egyptian walks, stag turns, and more.


Floor Barre/Conditioning

Floor Barre/Conditioning Class is designed to bring overall body awareness by using the floor barre method and incorporating ballet barre technique. The entire class is on the floor and moves through all ballet steps on your back, side or stomach. This class gives a detailed introduction to students of the unique mind and muscle connection, trains you to articulate your entire body, with an emphasis on using core strength, and by elongating your muscles working from the inside out. This class enhances your alignment, balance, core, muscle stamina and flexibility. Everything learned in this class will strengthen your technique in other classes. This class is and open for all levels. No previous experience necessary. Please bring your own yoga mat.

Performance Workshops

TWSB Adult Performance Workshops are offered as an opportunity for more advanced students to take class room work to the stage and work with TWSB’s leading faculty. Students will experience the process of rehearsals and stagecraft while developing specific skills necessary to successfully execute a public performance. It also helps to build self-confidence, discipline, to learn proper stage etiquette, and methods of evaluating one’s work. Performance Workshops are a supplement to the regular schedule of technique classes and is the highest level of work in one’s training.

Photo: Lauren Victor

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Workshops provide focused attention for students in a particular level, style, or area of technique and additional options from the ongoing open class schedule to train with TWSB faculty, Company dancers, and artistic leaders. Workshops vary in length but are typically held in one to eight-week sessions.



  • January 4-March 8, 2025 (Class material will progress from least to most advanced steps from January to March.)
    1/4, 1/18, 1/25, 2/1, 2/8, 2/15, 3/1, 3/8 (no class 1/11 and 2/22)
  • Saturday 11:00AM-12:30PM
  • 8-Week session
  • $144 total
  • Cathedral Commons (3308 Wisconsin Ave. NW)
  • Level: Advanced Beg-Intermediate Students. This class is not for beginners.
  • Pre-registration is required and will close by 5 pm on January 4.

Have you ever felt like you were missing some steps in your classical ballet repertoire? Steps that you have not had the time to learn fully or perfect? AP is offering a one-time opportunity to take a special Workshop that focuses on just that, “Missing Steps” in classical ballet taught by Tamás Krizsa.

This Workshop is ideal for the advanced beginner/intermediate dancer and is intended to bridge the knowledge gap between these two levels. The goal for participants is to build a solid understanding before encountering more challenging steps in upper level classes, and as a result, be able to advance to higher level classes. There will be no warm up in this class and so participants must take a class before or warm up on their own.

Class format will consist of working on barre steps; center work with an emphasis on turns, and steps that often get overlooked; jumps with an emphasis on battus, and connecting steps and grand allegros.* Steps will be broken down on how they to properly execute them, and also give exercises on how to strengthen in order to make them all achievable. Furthermore, recommendations will be given for substitute steps that one may encounter in higher level steps that are not yet achievable, thus giving one a pathway for accomplishing them one day. This will allow all participants to be an active in learning higher level steps.

*Steps will be taught and broken down, such as: flic flac, balancoire, attitude and arabesque turns, entrechat quatre, royale, brise, gargouillade, to mention only a few.

Early registration is recommended due to class size limit of 25. Pre-registration is required and will close by 5 pm on January 4.




  • January 17-March 28, 2025,  with culminating performances June 5-8
  • Fridays, 7:15-8:45 pm
  • 11 weeks
  • $198
  • Cathedral Commons Studio:3308 Wisconsin Ave. NW
  • Open to all levels
  • Registration opens on Mindbody on November 15 and will close by noon on January 16. Early registration is highly recommended.

Join performer, choreographer, and AP faculty member Felipe Oyarzun for his Spring Contemporary Performance Workshop! This 11-week workshop is open to all levels, tailored for both classically trained and modern dancers. Be part of a collaborative creative journey, culminating in a new work to be performed at the AP Concert 2025 in June at the Main Building. Strengthen your technique, explore new movement possibilities, and deepen your self-expression.

Felipe Oyarzun Bio


How to Register:

Login to your MindBody Online student account > Click “Workshops.” > Click “Enroll Now.”

For more information about workshops, contact

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Register For Class


Register & Purchase Classes

Log-in/Create Account for Mindbody

Advanced registration is required for ALL classes/workshops.
Please note that weekend classes fill up very quickly.

You may log into your Mindbody account to cancel your registration up to 4 hours prior to class start to receive your class credit back to your account. All no-shows & cancellations after that time will be charged as if you had attended.

Purchase Classes

Class Pricing

  • Single class credit $24 / $19 at THEARC
  • 5-class credit package $110 – Save at $22/class 
  • 10-class credit package $210 – Save at $21/class 
  • NEW! 1-month unlimited $272/month (Activates on the date of the first visit after purchase and expires one month from the activation date.)

Class credits and packages expire one year from purchase


*Only one discount will apply at a time.*

Donor Discount
Receive 15% off of Adult class credits when you donate $250+ to TWB. This donation is tax-deductible and helps supports all facets of TWB. Once you become a donor, create a Mindbody account and email to request the Donor Membership. The Donor Membership on Mindbody allows you to purchase class credits at a 15% discount. Please provide your name and giving level, then allow 2 business days for processing.



TWSB Alum & Enrolled Student rate for IN-STUDIO Classes
Students who graduated* from our Upper Division or Professional Training Programs or are currently enrolled in these programs may receive a 25% discount on Adult class credits. Create a Mindbody account and email to request this membership. Please provide your name, campus and either year of graduation or current level. Please allow 2 business days for processing.
*graduation means ending your high-school years with the Upper Division, generally enrolled in the highest levels (7 or 8), or have finished their professional training in the Trainee Program. 

AGE 65+/STUDENT/ARTIST rate for IN-STUDIO Classes – As of Jan 1, 2025

  • 5-class credit package $100
  • 10-class credit package $190

You must be approved via the below application to purchase these cards. Once approved for a membership, you will be able to purchase class cards at the discounted rate. All class cards expire 12 months from date of purchase. Student/Artist memberships must be renewed yearly, 65+ memberships do not expire. 

Who qualifies for the TWSB Age 65+/Student/Artist Rate?

  • Students aged 65+ with valid government-issued ID,
  • Students currently enrolled full-time in college or high school,
  • Professional dancers, dance teachers, or free-lance dance artists who derive a minimum of 50% of their income from dance activities.


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Adult Concert 2025

Adult Concert 2025


  • Thursday, June 5, 2025: 7:00pm
  • Friday, June 6, 2025: 7:00pm
  • Saturday, June 7, 2025: 4:00pm
  • Saturday, June 7, 2025: 7:00pm
  • Sunday, June 8, 2025: 4:00pm
  • Sunday, June 8, 2025 7:00pm 

Performance Venue: England Studio – Main building: 3515 Wisconsin Ave NW
Participation Fee: $176 (11 rehearsals) or an additional $88 to dance in a second piece
Participants: Adult Open Class students from NW and SE campuses for at least 3 months prior to their audition date. Auditions are required to participate.
Choreographers: Edwaard Liang and Tamás Krizsa, Miya Hisaka, Alvaro Palau, Rena Bernardini, Royce Zackery, Kevin Malone, and Felipe Oyarzun.
Rehearsal Schedule: See below

Concert Details:

The Washington School of Ballet’s Adult Concert 2025 will present faculty and students from the NW and SE campuses in 6 performances on June 5 – 8. These performances will be a culmination of an 11-week performance workshop and will present diverse classical, neoclassical and contemporary works choreographed by Edwaard Liang and Tamás Krizsa, Miya Hisaka, Alvaro Palau, Rena Bernardini, Royce Zackery, Kevin Malone, and Felipe Oyarzun. Performance experience is recommended but not required.  

This concert will be produced and directed by Miya Hisaka, Adult Program Head, along with selected TWSB faculty. The program objectives are to: celebrate diversity and inclusivity; bring together diverse communities; and to honor our dedicated faculty and students, who so greatly enrich the cultural life of the District of Columbia. This workshop experience provides a special opportunity for our students to work more intensely with some of their favorite faculty/choreographers in the creation of original works and/or select repertoire over an extended rehearsal period. We hope to support our most dedicated students who train at TWSB and have become active members of our community. Selection will also be based upon the applicant’s ability to follow instructions, communication and teamwork ability, and support the overall mission of the concert, the Adult Program, and the organization at large.  

Participants will pay a performance fee of $176 (11 rehearsals) or $88 more (to dance in a second piece). This fee helps cover a modest honorarium for their choreographer and production costs. Students may also be asked to purchase their own modestly priced costume pieces, according to the choreographer’s guidelines.  

All proceeds from ticket sales for the performances will go to support the TWSB and the Adult Program. All tickets will be General Admission (no reserved seating) and will be sold online and in advance only.  

The audition application for the Adult Concert 2025 is now closed.

Time Commitment for Dancers:


General Attendance Requirements:
Students who are selected must attend weekly rehearsals, tech and dress rehearsals, and performances. Due to the limited rehearsal time, no more than 1 absence will be permitted, and those dates must be discussed with and approved directly on the first day of rehearsal with the choreographer. Any missed material during the student’s absence is their responsibility.  

11-week rehearsal period:
The rehearsal period will run from March 16 – June 9, 2024. Rehearsals for each work will be held once a week in the Cathedral Common Studios and/or the Main Building. No rehearsals on Easter Sunday, April 20. All choreographers will hold rehearsals on Memorial Day weekend, May 23-25. (See the end of this document for each choreographer’s specific weekly rehearsal times).  

Mandatory Tech, Dress Rehearsal and 6 Performance Dates in England/Main: 
June 2-3 (Monday and Tuesday, 6:00-9 :30 pm. NOTE: 6 pm start up time for blocking
June 4 (Wednesday, 6:00-9:30 pm Dress)
June 5-6 (7:00 pm Performance) 
June 7-8 (4:00 pm and 7:00 pm Performances)

Application, Audition and Performance Fee 


Online Application:
To audition interested students must complete the audition application and be a regular Adult Program student (at least 3 months prior to their audition date and/or will be reviewed case by case depending on other variables such a work, travel and performance schedules). The application will go live on February 3rd.  Application deadline is Monday, February 24, 5:00 pm.

To be held at Coleman Studios and/or Main Building. Mandatory attendance for all applicants. Students are allowed to dance in 2 pieces with the approval of choreographers and the Adult Program Head. However, students must understand the responsibility of quick costume changes and stamina needed in potentially dancing 2 pieces back-to-back. If this is an issue, student may choose to dance in only 1 piece. This year’s program order will be an artistic decision of curators and not based upon casting.

Audition Times-
Saturday, March 8, 3:00-4:30 pm at Cathedral Commons–
Alvaro Palau – Adv. Beg-Advanced classical and/or character, excerpts from Coppelia 
Kevin Malone – All levels modern

Friday, March 14, 7:45-8:45 pm at Main Studio 2 –
Rena Bernardini – Beg.-Intermediate classical, excerpts from Swan Lake

Saturday, March 15, 3:00-4:30 pm at Cathedral Commons –
Edwaard Liang and Tamás Krizsa – Advanced  

Monday, March 17, 8:30-9:30 pm at Cathedral Commons – 
Royce Zackery – Beg.- Adv. Beg. Contemporary Ballet

Miya Hisaka’s modern piece will be completed by February and will be included in Adult Program Concert.

Felipe Oyarzun’s Contemporary Performance Workshop will be completed on March 28 and will be included in Adult Program Concert. His workshop begins Friday, January 17, and accepts all levels contemporary and classical.

Acceptance Notifications:
Accepted students will be notified by email on either Tuesday, March 11 or March 18, with instructions to report to the first rehearsal date for a specific choreographer.

First Rehearsal Dates:
Sunday, March 16, 3:00 pm-4:30 pm at Cathedral Commons – Kevin Malone, Alvaro Palau
Friday, March 21, 7:30-8:45 pm at the Main Building, Studio 2 – Rena Bernardini
Saturday, March 22, 11:00am-12:30 pm at Cathedral Commons – Edwaard Liang/ Tamás Krizsa 
Monday, March 24, 8:30-9:30 pm at Cathedral Commons – Royce Zackery  

Performance Fee:
After students receive an acceptance email, they must then register and pay their performance fee online between March 25-27, payment deadline is MARCH 27, by noon. If you dance in one piece the cost is $176, and if you dance in two pieces the cost will be $264 ($176 + $88 to dance in 2nd piece which gives a 50% discount).  Payments must be made after all 8 choreographers’ first rehearsal in order to avoid any refunds as refunds will not be permitted. No membership discounts will be applied to performance fee.

Rehearsal Schedule


Please make sure you review carefully the different days and locations for all choreographers. There will be no rehearsals on Easter Sunday, April 20. There will be rehearsals on Memorial Day weekend, May 24-25.  

Alvaro Palau – Adv. Beg – Advanced Ballet Dancers
Rehearsals on Sundays 3:00-4:30 pm, at Cathedral Commons, Fernandez. (No rehearsals on April 20th, Easter). 

  • Sunday Mar. 16: 3:00-4:30 pm, Fernandez studio at Cathedral Commons  
  • Sunday Mar. 23: 3:00-4:30 pm, Fernandez studio at Cathedral Commons  
  • Sunday Mar. 30: 3:00-4:30 pm, Fernandez studio at Cathedral Commons  
  • Sunday Apr. 6: 3:00-4:30 pm, Fernandez studio at Cathedral Commons  
  • Sunday Apr. 13: 3:00-4:30 pm, Fernandez studio at Cathedral Commons  
  • Sunday Apr. 27: 3:00-4:30 pm, Fernandez studio at Cathedral Commons  
  • Sunday May 4: 3:00-4:30 pm, Fernandez studio at Cathedral Commons  
  • Sunday May 11: 3:00-4:30 pm, Fernandez studio at Cathedral Commons  
  • Sunday May 18: 3:00-4:30 pm, Fernandez studio at Cathedral Commons  
  • Sunday May 25: 3:00-4:30 pm, Fernandez studio at Cathedral Commons  
  • Sunday June 1: 3:00-4:30 pm, Fernandez studio at Cathedral Commons
    No Rehearsal on April 20th

Kevin Malone – All levels Modern Dancers
Rehearsals on Sundays 3:00-4:30 pm, at Cathedral Commons, Coleman. (No rehearsals on April 20
th, Easter).

  • Sunday Mar. 16: 3:00-4:30 pm, Coleman studio at Cathedral Commons  
  • Sunday Mar. 23: 3:00-4:30 pm, Coleman studio at Cathedral Commons  
  • Sunday Mar. 30: 3:00-4:30 pm, Coleman studio at Cathedral Commons  
  • Sunday Apr. 6: 3:00-4:30 pm, Coleman studio at Cathedral Commons  
  • Sunday Apr. 13: 3:00-4:30 pm, Coleman studio at Cathedral Commons  
  • Sunday Apr. 27: 3:00-4:30 pm, Coleman studio at Cathedral Commons  
  • Sunday May 4: 3:00-4:30 pm, Coleman studio at Cathedral Commons  
  • Sunday May 11: 3:00-4:30 pm, Coleman studio at Cathedral Commons  
  • Sunday May 18: 3:00-4:30 pm, Coleman studio at Cathedral Commons  
  • Sunday May 25: 3:00-4:30 pm, Coleman studio at Cathedral Commons  
  • Sunday June 1: 3:00-4:30 pm, Coleman studio at Cathedral Commons
    No Rehearsal on April 20th 

Edwaard Liang and Tamás Krizsa – Advanced Ballet Dancers
Rehearsals on Saturdays, 11:00am-12:30 pm, at Cathedral Commons, Trone.

  • Saturday Mar. 22: 11:00am-12:30pm, Trone studio at Cathedral Commons  
  • Saturday Mar. 29: 11:00am-12:30pm, Trone studio at Cathedral Commons  
  • Saturday Apr. 5: 11:00am-12:30pm, Trone studio at Cathedral Commons  
  • Saturday Apr. 12: 11:00am-12:30pm, Trone studio at Cathedral Commons 
  • Saturday Apr. 19: 11:00am-12:30pm, Trone studio at Cathedral Commons 
  • Saturday Apr. 26: 11:00am-12:30pm, Trone studio at Cathedral Commons  
  • Saturday May 3: 11:00am-12:30pm, Trone studio at Cathedral Commons  
  • Saturday May 10: 11:00am-12:30pm, Trone studio at Cathedral Commons  
  • Saturday May 17: 11:00am-12:30pm, Trone studio at Cathedral Commons  
  • Saturday May 24: 11:00am-12:30pm, Trone studio at Cathedral Commons  
  • Saturday May 31: 11:00am-12:30pm, Trone studio at Cathedral Commons  

Rena Bernardini – All levels Ballet Dancers
Rehearsals on Fridays, 7:30-9:00 pm, at the Main Building, Studio 2. 

  • Friday Mar. 21: 7:30-9:00pm, Studio 2 at the Main Building  
  • Friday Mar. 28: 7:30-9:00pm, Studio 2 at the Main Building  
  • Friday Apr. 4: 7:30-9:00pm, Studio 2 at the Main Building  
  • Friday Apr. 11: 7:30-9:00pm, Studio 2 at the Main Building  
  • Friday Apr. 18: 7:30-9:00pm, Studio 2 at the Main Building  
  • Friday Apr. 25: 7:30-9:00pm, Studio 2 at the Main Building  
  • Friday May 2: 7:30-9:00pm, Studio 2 at the Main Building  
  • Friday May 9: 7:30-9:00pm, Studio 2 at the Main Building  
  • Friday May 16: 7:30-9:00pm, Studio 2 at the Main Building  
  • Friday May 23: 7:30-9:00pm, Studio 2 at the Main Building  
  • Friday May 30: 7:30-9:00pm, Studio 2 at the Main Building  

Royce Zackery – Beginner – Adv. Beg. Ballet Dancers
Rehearsals on Mondays, 8:30-9:30 pm, at Cathedral Commons, Trone.
(Note: rehearsal is 1 hour)

  • Monday Mar. 24: 8:30-9:30pm, Trone studio at Cathedral Commons  
  • Monday Mar. 31: 8:30-9:30pm, Trone studio at Cathedral Commons  
  • Monday Apr. 7: 8:30-9:30pm, Trone studio at Cathedral Commons  
  • Monday Apr. 14: 8:30-9:30pm, Trone studio at Cathedral Commons  
  • Monday Apr. 21: 8:30-9:30pm, Trone studio at Cathedral Commons  
  • Monday Apr. 28: 8:30-9:30pm, Trone studio at Cathedral Commons  
  • Monday May 5: 8:30-9:30pm, Trone studio at Cathedral Commons  
  • Monday May 12: 8:30-9:30pm, Trone studio at Cathedral Commons  
  • Monday May 19: 8:30-9:30pm, Trone studio at Cathedral Commons  
  • Monday May 26: 8:30-9:30pm, Trone studio at Cathedral Commons  
  • Monday June 2: 8:30-9:30pm, Trone studio at Cathedral Commons
    Note: Rehearsal is 1 hour.

FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Please enter in subject line: Adult Program Concert 2025 

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Adult Private Lesson

Adult Private Lessons


Private Lessons

Private lessons are one-on-one instruction between a current TWSB Adult faculty member and a current TWSB Adult student typically for one hour. TWSB can also accommodate semi-private lessons for up to, but not more than two students. We are only booking 1-time private lessons, no recurring bookings at this time. Due to limited studio availability, not all requests may be accommodated. TWSB’s weekly class schedule and curriculum is designed to train students at a level that is appropriate for their ability. Private lessons are purely supplemental and in no way required.

These private lessons may occur at our Cathedral Commons location, 3308 Wisconsin Ave or our Main Building 3515 Wisconsin Ave, NW.

Requesting a Private Lesson

To request a private lesson, please complete this form: Private Lessons Form. TWSB will place the student(s) with an appropriate faculty member.

You must create a Mindbody account with TWB with an active credit card on file before we are able to schedule private lessons.

Log-in/Create Account for Mindbody

Availability for private lessons is subject to change dependent on the needs of the School and Company. All scheduling will be conducted on a first come, first serve basis. Requests for private lessons should be made, at minimum, 1 week in advance of the requested lesson date/time.

Payment & Fees

Private lessons, when conducted one-on-one, cost $123 per hour. Semi-private lessons cost $87 per hour, per student. All payments will be processed at the time of booking via Mindbody Online. You must have a card on file, in Mindbody, before booking. Only credit card payments are accepted for private lessons. Any membership discounts you have for class credits do not apply for private lessons.

If a faculty member is setting or creating choreography, additional choreographic fees may apply as determined by the faculty member/choreographer. Any fees charged above the private lesson fee will be communicated directly from the choreographer.

Cancellation/Rescheduling Policy

All cancellation and rescheduling requests must be made 24 hours before the start time of the scheduled lesson. Full payment will be processed for cancellation or rescheduling requests made less than 24 hours in advance. No exceptions will be made. To cancel or reschedule a lesson, email the Assistant Manager. If canceling or rescheduling a lesson within 24 hours of the lesson start time, email the Assistant Manager and call the location of the lesson.

Rescheduled lessons will only be accommodated through the end of the subsequent month.

In the event of TWSB closures due to inclement weather, private lessons are canceled, you will be contacted to reschedule private lessons.

Late Policy

Students should arrive 10-15 minutes early for private lessons. If running late, please call the front desk at the location of the private lesson to share your estimated arrival time. Full payment for the lesson will be processed regardless of arrival time. If no phone call is received, faculty will only remain at the studio 15 minutes after the lesson start time.

If you have any questions, please email

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Policies & FAQ


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Frequently Asked Questions

Students can cancel their class registration up until 4 hours before the class starts to receive their class credit back. If a student cancels less than 4 hours before the class starts, or does not show up, the class credit will not be returned to their account.

All workshop, and program registrations are final. No refunds will be made.

In exceptional circumstances class credits refunds may be offered on a case by case basis at the discretion of The Washington Ballet staff.

To request changes, email

Drop in class registration opens 3 weeks prior to the date of class at 9am.


For classes, we recommend wearing clothing that allows for freedom of movement and comfort, such as fitted dancewear, athletic wear, or activewear. Choose attire that provides adequate coverage, supports ease of movement, and stays in place during physical activity. Footwear depends on the class genre, with ballet slippers or socks being appropriate for ballet classes, while bare feet are suitable for contemporary, and other styles. We recommend comfortable, form-fitting clothing. Minimize jewelry to avoid distractions or injuries, and ensure hair is neatly secured away from the face to prevent interference during movement.

Additionally, students attending a class with floorwork should avoid wearing body lotion, oil, or hair products as these can transfer onto the floor, causing damage and creating slippery spots that endanger students in later classes. This dress code ensures a comfortable, safe, and productive environment for all participants.

Classes are primarily designed for adult and mature students. Dancers must be at least 12 years of age or older to participate.

No late entry past 5 minutes from the start time of class. This is to prevent injury resulting from inadequate warm-up. We suggest arriving at the studio at least 5 minutes, but no earlier than 15 minutes, prior to the class start time.

We have a class for students at almost any level! If you have never taken a TWSB class before, we recommend you try one level lower and “size up” from there. If you have never taken ballet before, we recommend our New to Ballet Fundamentals class.

See class and level descriptions here.

All substitutions will be listed in Mindbody. Please log into your account and view the schedule for date in which you are interested. Any scheduled class teacher changes or substitutions will appear in the “Teacher” section of the Class Schedule.

Visit our contact & location page here:

Adult Program General Inquiries –, 202.349.0261

Most Adult classes are held in The Joseph C. Coleman Studios at 3308 Wisconsin Ave, NW. The studios are on the 2nd floor. If you enter at street level, our entrance is on Wisconsin Ave between Cactus Cantina and Barcelona Wine Bar. If you see “at THEARC” or “at Main Building” in the class name that means the class is at that location.The Main Building is located at 3515 Wisconsin Ave. NW. THEARC is our South East campus located at 1901 Mississippi Ave SE, 2nd floor.


There is two-hour street parking available on Wisconsin Ave, NW and around the neighborhood. Please check posted street signage for zone and time restrictions.

Garage parking is available below The Joseph C. Coleman Studios at Cathedral Commons. Parking entrances are off of Macomb and Newark Street NW. The garage offers complimentary parking to our students and guests for up to two hours. Your ticket needs to be validated at our front desk before leaving our studio.

No. You are not allowed to use cell phones in class for any purpose. Please exit the studio if you have an emergency call so you do not disrupt class. If you would like to film yourself in our studios, you may request to reserve space by emailing

Liability & Medical Consent
I agree that I will not hold The Washington Ballet, Inc. (Washington School of Ballet, hereafter referred to as “TWSB”), or any faculty member, volunteer, or employee, liable for injuries sustained or illness contracted by myself or the student during the attendance of classes, rehearsals or any related functions.
In consideration of my or my minor child’s or children’s participation in classes, rehearsals, and activities at TWSB, off-site activities sponsored by TWSB, including the use of facilities and equipment, I, on behalf of myself and my minor child(ren), representatives, assigns, heirs, and next of kin, agree to this assumption of risks, waiver of liability and indemnification agreement.

I understand that dancing and physical training pose certain inherent risks, including the risk of personal injury, death, property damage, loss arising from physical trauma or exertion, or illness including exposure to and infection with viruses and bacteria. I understand that I and my minor child(ren) voluntarily assume these risks.

I agree that neither TWSB, nor its members, servants, agents, or employees, shall be liable to me or my minor child(ren) for any injuries or damage to my or my child(ren)’s person or property, arising out of or connecting with my or my minor child(ren)’s participation in the activities described above, or arising at or connecting with the premises of TWSB. I and my minor child(ren) therefore forever release and discharge TWSB, along with its members, servants, agents and/or employees, from all claims, demands, injuries, damages, actions, or causes of action arising out of or connecting with all acts of active or passive ordinary negligence on the part of TWSB or its members, servants, agents or employees. Furthermore, I and my minor child(ren) agree to indemnify and hold harmless TWSB, along with its members, servants, agents, and/or employees, from any and all costs, expenses, and liabilities directly and indirectly arising from any claims, demands, injuries, damages, actions, or causes of action, by whomever or whenever made or presented, for personal injury, property damage, or wrongful death arising out of or relating in any way to my or my minor child(ren)’s participation in the activities described above.

Coronavirus Warning & Disclaimer:
The novel coronavirus, COVID-19, is an extremely contagious virus. Covid-19 can lead to severe illness, personal injury, permanent disability, and death. Participation in TWSB’s activities or accessing TWSB facilities could increase the risk of contracting COVID-19. Measures have been put in place that aim to reduce the spread of Covid-19, however TWSB in no way warrants that COVID-19 infection will not occur through participation in TWSB programs or accessing TWSB facilities.

You understand that, while TWSB may take a number of health precautions, TWSB cannot eliminate the inherent risk posed by COVID-19 to the community. Additionally, TWSB cannot guarantee that its agents, contractors, members, or clients will comply with these measures and precautions and TWSB does not assume responsibility for their actions, omissions or negligence.

I affirm that I am of legal age and am the student or parent/legal guardian of the minor child(ren) named in this registration. On behalf of the minor(s), I have read this agreement and fully understand that I am giving up legal rights and remedies that I, my spouse, a legal guardian for the minor, or the minor might have now or in the future.

I authorize TWSB to call 911 for emergency treatment for me or my child on my behalf if I am not able to be reached. I further release TWSB from all liabilities for injuries or damages arising out of personal injury of any kind.

Medical Communication
The Washington School of Ballet requires information regarding physical or psychological conditions to best serve their students educational needs within the very demanding and physical art form of dance. Any disclosed information will be kept confidential.

Terms & Conditions
Tuition Payments & Refunds
I understand that tuition is payable in full at the time of registration with a credit card. No refunds will be made for unattended classes.

Dismissals from TWSB Programs and Productions
TWSB reserves the right to suspend or dismiss any student from any class or classes without refund if a student’s behavior is abusive or disruptive to other students, faculty or staff. Furthermore, TWSB reserves the right to terminate enrollment without refund if a parent/guardian or student demonstrates a pattern of actions or behavior that causes an undue strain on faculty and administrative resources.

Possession or consumption of alcohol or any illegal substance, including prescription drugs, is grounds for immediate expulsion from TWSB.

Equal Opportunity Policy
The Washington Ballet, Inc. (Washington School of Ballet), a non-profit organization, does not disqualify applicants or students on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic background, religion, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected by law.

Instruction & Contact
I understand that in order to provide the student with quality instruction, the faculty at TWSB will at times use hands on contact as a vital component to aid in the learning of proper body alignment, turn-out, and placement.

Photo/Media Release
I agree to allow any photos and/or videos taken on The Washington Ballet, Inc.’s premises or at the theater to be published for the promotion of The Washington School of Ballet or The Washington Ballet. I understand that for promotional, marketing, advertising, and other such lawful purposes, The Washington Ballet, Inc. may use the image and name of me or my child in media formats such as print, videos, etc.

Required uniforms must be worn in all classes. All students must have hair pulled back from the face and secured. Students should wear hair in a bun when possible. Shorter hair may be secured with a white cloth headband. All students must be neatly groomed.

Etiquette & Communication
I agree to adhere to the classroom etiquette, evaluation, and other guidelines outlined by TWSB faculty or administrators.

I agree to read and respond to TWSB communications regarding my or my student’s account.


The Washington Ballet (TWB) is committed to protecting the privacy of our web site users. The following privacy policy details how the site collects, stores and uses personal information. Individuals who communicate with TWB, and supply us with an email address, may receive future communications by email, mail, or telephone. Persons who do not wish to receive such messages may contact TWB and ask to be removed. TWB supports a customer’s right to “opt-out.” Email addresses are NOT sold or disclosed to any other parties.

How we use your information
Our site uses cookies to keep track of your shopping cart and to make sure you see content specific to your interests.

Our site’s registration form requires users to give us contact information (like name and email address). We use contact information from the registration form to send the user information about TWB. The user’s contact information is also used to contact the visitor when necessary. Users may opt-out of receiving future mailings; you may do so on the “Join our Mailing List” page of the “News & Media” section on our site.

Our site uses an order form for customers to request tickets, products, and services. We collect visitors’ contact information (like email addresses and credit card numbers). Contact information from the order form is used to ship orders and send information about TWB. The user’s contact information is also used to get in touch with the visitor when necessary. Users may choose to “opt-in” or “opt-out” of receiving future mailings; you may do so in the “Join our Mailing List” page of the “News & Media” section on our site. Financial information that is collected is used to bill the customer for products and services.

Our online surveys ask visitors for contact information (like email addresses) and demographic information (like zip code, age, or income level). We use contact data from our surveys to determine how best to serve our patrons and web site users. We use this data to tailor our visitor’s experience on our site, showing them content that they might be interested in, and displaying the content according to their indicated preferences.
financial information

TWB will protect any financial information given by users for the purpose of purchasing products.

Automatically collected information
TWB’s web site automatically collects data from its visitors for statistical evaluation. This information might include length of time visited and the Internet service provider (ISP) used, as well as which pages are visited. This information helps us determine the usefulness of the site for our visitors and suggests ways in which we can improve.

Our site contains links to other sites, most notably when a user makes a ticket purchase. These links take a user to other web sites that are not protected by TWB’s privacy policy. Once a user leaves our site, he or she is subject to the privacy policies of the host site being visited. Our online ticket services, Ticket Master, the Kennedy Center, and the Harman Center contain privacy policies and security measures to protect your financial information. Please read each site’s privacy policy for more details.

If you choose to contact a staff member of TWB through e-mail, please note that e-mail is not protected by the security of this Web site. E-mail may pass through networks that are unprotected. Please note that you are always welcome to call a staff member at 202.362.3606.

Revisions to our web policies
Please note that TWB may revise its privacy policy at any time. We encourage you to periodically visit this page to review our most current policy. Your continued use of the site shall constitute your acceptance of any such changes to this policy.

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