
Akira Iida was born in Osaka, Japan, where he began training at the age of seven. Mr. Iida studied at the Washington School of Ballet beginning with a summer scholarship program and then joining full-time in 2016 at the Cladimir Kaminski School in Japan. He trained under Kee-Juan Han, Rinat Imaev, Xiomara Reyes, and Mimmo Miccolis. After graduating, he joined the Columbia Classic Ballet as a soloist in 2016. His feature roles include Basil and Espada in Don Quixote and Albrecht and Hilarion in Giselle. Mr. Iida has worked with a wide range of choreographers and has performed many lead roles both in the United States and Japan. Since joining the New Jersey Ballet Company in 2022 Mr. Iida has performed leading roles including George Balanchine’s Who Cares? and Tchaikovsky Pas de Deux, Peter Martin’s Hallelujah Junction, Spring Waters,Rubies, Cavalier and Snow King in Nutcracker, and Prince Desire and Pas de Trois in The Sleeping Beauty.

Headshot credit: Dr. Ceylon Mitchell, M3 Mitchell Media & Marketing