Over the past year, our community has grown and expanded in ways we never thought possible before. Many familiar and new faces from all across the country and beyond have been able to participate in our online classes. One couple has even found our adult program all the way from their home in Florida…
As we continue to share at home stories from our community, Rich and Wabanang Kuczek offer an insight into their experience with TWSB and the impactfulness of ballet even from hundreds of miles away from our studio:
“During our 30 years together, we have been fitness and social dance enthusiasts and when we retired 11 years ago, we knew we were not going to be bored. Significantly, we wanted to give greater focus to our hobbies including long-distance running and fun dance classes. However, we never thought that adult ballet would be one of those dance ventures that would bring so much joy and benefit to our retirement years.”
Wabanang began adult ballet in 2018 at the Naples Dance Conservatory and loved it. Even after having hip replacement surgery, she affirms that returning to adult ballet has contributed to her rapid recovery.
As she relished the benefits of ballet, she attempted to persuade Rich to participate and achieve the same benefits. He “gave in” late 2019. Since then, he has broken through the situation of usually being the only guy in class and has learned to appreciate the incredible benefits the classes offer. His mantra has been, “If Carlos Acosta did it, so can he!” With this new appreciation, Rich and Wabanang immersed themselves in discovering traditional and contemporary ballets from well-known companies around the world, including the productions from TWB created during the past year available on Marquee TV.
“When the pandemic arrived, we researched different possibilities to continue taking adult ballet. We found TWSB in April of 2020 and have become devoted students of the Adult Beginner Ballet classes. Since our initiation with TWSB, we have taken classes twice a week, either Beginning Ballet 1 or 2.
We are so grateful that the instructors are respected professional dancers who not only know how to teach, but also care that the students learn the proper technique. The Zoom format allows the instructors to observe students at home and not only provide encouragement, but also correct movements as necessary. We believe the classes provide a serene feel of comfort, are relaxed, with “virtual” camaraderie, but yet are keenly focused.
We feel fortunate to have a dedicated dance space which makes the online class mode actually preferable for us than making a trip to the studio and hope it will continue even when studio classes resume. We honestly feel so lucky to have found TWSB!”
Rich and Wabanang believe they have experienced significant improvement in their well-being including coordination, posture, flexibility, and muscle definition. “Without a doubt, TWSB has contributed in helping us understand that ballet is for all ages and have learned to appreciate the creativity, gracefulness, and artistry of ballet.” They believe that when you find yourself looking forward to a class and want to continue participating as long as you can move, then you know you have found your niche in Adult Ballet.
Thanks to Rich and Wabanang for sharing their story. We are so glad to have you in our community.
Do you have a story to share? Please let us know in the comments below!